Category: Apprenticeship
Last evening, the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center graduated seventeen students from their initial Pre-Construction Readiness Training Program into the workforce. A number of additional students are still completing their course work and will graduate soon. Seven of the graduates have been certified so far by CareerSource Southwest Florida for training fund grants for their future employers.
Five construction companies made presentations at graduation to the students about employment opportunities at their company as they competed to hire the graduates. Graduates were encouraged to sign up for employment opportunities at each of the five companies. CareerSource will also be working to place program graduates into jobs. It is expected that all graduates will soon be employed and working in the construction industry.
The Southwest Florida Enterprise Center will start their next session of the training program next week.  The Preconstruction Readiness Training Program is a 52 hour 6 week training course designed to help individuals begin a career in the construction industry. The Core Curriculum includes: Construction 101, Safety Training & OSHA Preparedness, and First Aid.  See below for sign up information.
Last Small Business Owner Accounting School session until Fall
Empowerment Works is announcing their last Small Business Owner Accounting School session until Fall 2018. Join us at the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center in Fort Myers on the 4 Wednesday evenings beginning on May 9th and ending on May 30th from 5:45 PM to 7:45 PM. Class size is very small. As of today there are only 5 more openings in the current session.
Participants learn how to keep track of their small business’ accounting through hands on training using QuickBooks software. The class fee is $50.
Due to limited seating, payment is required to register. Payments can be made at the SWFL Enterprise Center, 3903 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Blvd., Fort Myers, 33916 (cash or check) or City Hall, 2200 Second Street (cash, check, or credit card). If you would like to mail a check please call 239-321-7085 to check availability.
We held our fourth and final session Wednesday in our Small Business Owners Accounting School February class series. Students who attended all four sessions received a certificate of graduation.
Wednesday evening we covered month, quarter and year end reporting in QuickBooks and learned how to create and setup a new company file in QuickBooks efficiently with the least amount of extra effort.
Look for our next session of the Small Business Owners Accounting School to be announced soon with a start date later in March or in April.
Wednesday evening we held our third session of four in our Small Business Owner Accounting School. We covered vendor and customer transactions and learned how to reconcile bank accounts. Next week is our final session where we learn how to run month end and year end reports, and setup a new company from scratch in QuickBooks.
Wednesday was the second session in our Small Business Owner Accounting School at the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center. Students learned about QuickBooks menus and program interface, and learned to create vendor transactions and payments during hands on QuickBooks training exercises.   We are taking a week off so all of us can spend Valentines Day with those who are significant in our lives and will get back together for session three on Wednesday February 21.
Tonight we had our first session in the current Small Business Owner Accounting School series. This series of classes was sold out in December. Looking forward to next week’s session two.
The Southwest Florida Enterprise Center is offering a 52 hour 6 week training course designed to help individuals begin a career in the construction industry. The Core Curriculum includes: Construction 101, Safety Training & OSHA Preparedness, and First Aid.
Classes begin March 1, 2018
Call 239-321-7085 for more information
Our upcoming Small Business Owner Accounting School is now full. Look for the next session sometime in March or April.
The Rotary Club of Cape Coral Sunset invited us to speak during their Vocational Service Month on Empowerment Works programs and how they impact vocational training. We had a good time with great discussion and friends!
Only 2 seats left!
This is a four session class on Wednesday evenings from January 31, 2018 through February (no class on February 14th). This session will teach entrepreneurs who own their own business or individuals looking for a new career the basics of keeping track of a business’ finances. Sign up and pay soon to guarantee your seat!