Empowerment Works recently met with an entrepreneur who wanted to start their own professional services consulting firm. After some discussions it was determined that an S corporation was the best vehicle to organize the new company, which will have three employees to start.
Empowerment Works provided pro bono services to create a new Florida corporation, get a Employer Id Number for the corporation from the IRS, and file an election with the IRS have the new corporation treated as an S corporation, and provided advice on various start up issues.
This was our 152nd pro bono consultation and was the 28th new business we helped establish. Another entrepreneur on their way!
Empowerment Works held their final Small Business Owner Accounting School class of the May 2022 session Wednesday evening. This was the 19th time the Small Business Owner Accounting School series of classes have been held since December, 2016.
Southwest Florida Enterprise Center Training Room
Wednesday’s class covered bank reconciliations, running reports, and setting up a new company in QuickBooks.
Six students graduated after attending all four sessions bringing our total number of graduates so far to 97. Empowerment Works has provided 625 individual classroom student or intern training sessions to date. Our next session of the Small Business Owner Accounting School will begin later in 2022. Call 239-321-7085 for information and to get on the waiting list.
We held our third class of our May 2022 session of the 4 week Small Business Owner Accounting School last evening. This is the 19th time we have offered a 4 week session of the Small Business Owner Accounting School. We have had 617 classroom or student training sessions to date and 91 students have graduated by attending all four classes in their session.
Students completed hands-on training exercises to learn setting up customers and entering customer invoices, sales receipts, payments and deposits in QuickBooks. Students also completed hands-on training exercises in reconciling bank and credit card accounts.
Next week in our final session students will learn to run monthly reports and how to efficiently setup a new company file in QuickBooks.
The current session runs four weeks until May 25th. Classes are very small and fill up quickly. If you are interested in attending the next session of the class when it is offered, call the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center at 239-321-7085 to get on the waiting list.
Empowerment Works held the second class in their four part Small Business Owner Accounting School last evening. This class is part of the 19th 4 class session we have offered since December, 2016.
Last evening’s class was full. Students learned how to enter expenses, pay bills and write checks in QuickBooks in hands on training exercises. 90 students who have attended all four classes have graduated from the school to date.
Students will learn in next week’s class how to invoice and receive payments from customers, make bank deposits and reconcile credit card and bank accounts.
Because Empowerment Works is an authorized Intuit training center, students can receive a free 5 month subscription to QuickBooks desktop or free 12 month subscription to QuickBooks online as part of their class.
The current session runs four weeks until May 25th. Classes are very small and fill up quickly. If you are interested in attending the next session of the class when it is offered, call the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center at 239-321-7085 to get on the waiting list.
Empowerment Works held the first May 2022 Small Business Owner Accounting School class last evening. The four week session teaches small business owners and entrepreneurs how to use QuickBooks to keep track of their business’ accounting. Empowerment Works is an Intuit accredited training school.
Students learned some accounting basics and spent time going over the QuickBooks Desktop user interface with some introductory exercises. We will pick up next week with the second session, which will have hands on exercises to teach students vendors, bills and check writing in QuickBooks.
This is Empowerment Works 19th session of Small Business Owner Accounting School since it was first offered in December 2016. We have had 601 student classroom or intern training sessions and have graduated 90 students from this program to date. We enjoy meeting and helping entrepreneurs with starting out on their path to economic empowerment.
The current session runs four weeks until May 25th. Classes are very small and sell out quickly. If you are interested in attending the next session of the class when it is offered, call the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center at 239-321-7085 to get on the waiting list.
Empowerment Works holds Small Business Owner Accounting School sessions several times each year. The school offers hands on training to teach entrepreneurs and small business owners accounting skills using QuickBooks Desktop software so that they can keep score with their business’ profitability. We enjoy meeting and helping entrepreneurs with starting out on their path to economic empowerment.
Empowerment Work’s four week class (one 2 hour class per week) teaches students hands on how to do daily tasks to record their small business’ accounting activity. This is a class meant for beginners. It is NOT meant for those who already have experience using QuickBooks as their accounting software program.
Empowerment Works has taught almost 600 student classroom or personal training sessions and has graduated 90 students from this program to date. This will be the 19th session of classes we have offered since 2016 and the second session of 2022. This will be the last session offered until late Fall, 2022.
Classes will be held at the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center at 3903 Dr Martin Luther King Jr, Boulevard in Fort Myers. Classes will be on the four Wednesday evenings in May from 5:45 PM to 7:45 PM beginning May 4th and ending May 25th. The fee for the class is $53.25 and will be required to be paid in advance to guarantee your seat. Call the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center at 239-321-7085 for information on how to register and pay for the class.
Being your own boss and using your special gifts to find economic empowerment is very fulfilling. Check out the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center and its programs to help you succeed.
Empowerment Works held their final Small Business Owner Accounting School class of the February / March 2022 session Thursday evening. This was the 18th time the Small Business Owner Accounting School series of classes have been held. Thursday’s class covered bank reconciliations, running reports, and setting up a new company in QuickBooks.
Three students graduated after attending all four sessions bringing our total number of graduates so far to 90. Empowerment Works has provided 593 individual classroom student or intern training sessions to date.
Our next session of the Small Business Owner Accounting School will begin in April, 2022. Call 239-321-7085 for information and registration.
Small Business Owner Accounting School February 24, 2022
We held our third class of our February / March 2022 session of the 4 week Small Business Owner Accounting School last evening. This is the 18th time we have offered a 4 week session of the Small Business Owner Accounting School. We have had 589 classroom or student training sessions to date and 87 students have graduated by attending all four classes in their session.
Students completed hands-on training exercises to learn setting up customers and entering customer invoices, sales receipts, payments and deposits in QuickBooks. Students also completed hands-on training exercises in reconciling bank and credit card accounts.
Next week in our final session students will learn to run monthly reports and how to efficiently setup a new company file in QuickBooks.
We will be offering our 19th session in a few months. Class sizes are very small, so call 239-321-7085 to get on the waiting list for our next session of classes.
Empowerment Works, Inc held the second class in their four part Small Business Owner Accounting School on February 17th. This is the 18th 4 class session we have offered to date Students learned how to enter and pay bills and write checks in QuickBooks.
The third class in the four part series will be held this evening. Students will learn how to invoice and receive payments from customers, make bank deposits and reconcile credit card and bank accounts.
Because Empowerment Works is an authorized QuickBooks training center, students can receive a free 5 month subscription to QuickBooks desktop or free 12 month subscription to QuickBooks online as part of their class.
Our next 4 week session dates haven’t been finalized, but will be offered sometime in April 2022. Call 239-321-7085 for information and to reserve your place on the waiting list for the session. Class sizes are extremely small and fill up quickly.
Last evening was the first class of the February / March 2022 4 week Small Business Owner Accounting School.
Students learned some accounting basics and spent time going over the QuickBooks Desktop user interface with some introductory exercises. We will pick up next week with the second session, which will have hands on exercises to teach students vendors, bills and check writing in QuickBooks.
This is Empowerment Works 18th session of this course since December 2016. We have had almost 580 student classroom or intern training sessions and have graduated 87 students from this program to date. We enjoy meeting and helping entrepreneurs with starting out on their path to economic empowerment.
The current session runs for four weeks until March 3rd. We are working to setup our next session in April or May, 2022. Classes are very small and are sold out quickly, so call 239-321-7085 to get on the waiting list for the next session if you are interested.
Empowerment Works holds Small Business Owner Accounting School sessions several times each year. The school offers hands on training to teach entrepreneurs and small business owners accounting skills using QuickBooks software so that they can keep score with their business’ profitability. We enjoy meeting and helping entrepreneurs with starting out on their path to economic empowerment.
Empowerment Work’s four week class (one two hour class per week) teaches students hands on how to do daily tasks to record their small business’ accounting activity. This is a class meant for beginners. It is not meant for those who already have experience using QuickBooks as their accounting software program.
Empowerment Works has taught almost 570 student classroom or student training sessions and has graduated 87 students from this program to date. This will be the 18th session of classes we have offered and the first session of 2022.
Because of the current surge in cases of Covid-19, the class is being delayed until February 10th 2022. Our next class will be very small, so do not delay in getting on the waiting list if you have interest. Seating will be socially distanced and masks will be required regardless of covid vaccination status. Call the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center at 239-321-7085 for information and to join the waiting list. Class dates tentatively begin February 10th to March 3rd. Final dates depend on trends in Lee County covid cases in early February. The fee for the class is $53.25 and will be required to be paid in advance to guarantee your seat.
Being your own boss and using your special gifts to find economic empowerment is very fulfilling. Check out the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center and its programs to help you succeed.
Empowerment Works, Inc held the second class in their four part Small Business Owner Accounting School on June 15, 2021. Students learned how to enter and pay bills and write checks in QuickBooks.
The third class in the four part series was held June 22, 2021. Students learned how to invoice and receive payments from customers, make bank deposits and reconcile credit card and bank accounts.
Because Empowerment Works is an authorized QuickBooks training center, students can receive a free 5 month subscription to QuickBooks desktop or free 12 month subscription to QuickBooks online as part of their class.
This is the 17th time Empowerment Works has offered the Small Business Owner Accounting School. 559 people have attended one of our classes or tutoring sessions and 80 individuals have graduated from the program by attending all four sessions.
Our next 4 week session is currently being determined. Call 239-321-7085 for information and to reserve your place in our class.
Empowerment Works holds Small Business Owner Accounting School Sessions several times each year. The school offers hands on training to teach entrepreneurs and small business owners accounting skills using QuickBooks software so that they can keep score with their business’ profitability.
Empowerment Work’s four week class (one two hour class per week) teaches students hands on how to do daily tasks to record their small business’ accounting activity. This is a class meant for beginners. It is not meant for those who already have experience using QuickBooks as their accounting software program.
Empowerment Works has taught almost 530 student classroom or student training sessions and has graduated 80 students from this program to date. This will be the 17th session of classes we have offered and the first session of 2021.
We enjoy meeting and helping entrepreneurs with starting out on their path to economic empowerment.
Our next class is very small, so do not delay in registering if you have interest. Call the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center at 239-321-7087 for information and registration.
Being your own boss and using your special gifts to find economic empowerment is very fulfilling. Check out the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center and its programs to help you succeed.
If you are like us, you have noticed more and more people at stop lights asking for help. The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted us with surges of sickness and death, but it has also resulted in an economic downturn where more people are losing jobs and becoming food and housing insecure.
We wanted to share what we are doing, and what you can do to help. We are using our resources to purchase items and give monetary assistance which we distribute to those asking for help at stop lights.
Here is what we are presently handing out. There are a couple of pairs of socks, a couple of masks and hand sanitizer, a bottle of water, some snacks, a $10 bill with a handwritten note. It is winter, so we are including a blanket. Normally we wouldn’t want to give out such a big bag, but the blanket necessitated something bigger. Each bag’s handwritten note is a different blessing or affirmation. It has been written with intention. The cost of the contents and the money in each bag is about $25.
When we have handed these out at stop lights, their reaction is surprise and gratitude for the gifts. If there is time, we talk briefly with them. It has been fun to watch them open the bags and pull things out to see what is inside.
I think the homeless appreciate when we don’t ignore them. We don’t judge their circumstances. But what has been most surprising to us is how giving out the blessing bags makes us feel. We have a powerful feeling of connection; to the world and to all there is.
We are posting this to inspire you to help by creating your own blessing bags and distributing them during this extraordinary time of need. For those of you who don’t wish to create your own, we accept donations to help us here: https://empowerment-works.org/donate/ But creating your own blessing bags to help people in your own area is much more powerful.
This is an extraordinary time. Change is beginning to happen. Personally being a part of a change in the flow of prosperity will make it happen sooner. Be a part of the change.
The IRS announced procedures today for individuals and married couples who don’t file tax returns because their income is below the thresholds required to file.
Those who have not filed tax returns in 2018 or 2019 because their income is below the filing threshold can provide payment information online to the IRS so that they will receive an Economic Impact Payment. Eligible US Citizens or permanent residents are eligible who:
Had gross income that did not exceed $12,200 ($24,400 for married couples) for 2019
Were not otherwise required to file a federal income tax return for 2019, and didn’t plan to
Individuals can provide the necessary information to the IRS easily and quickly for no fee through this link: https://www.freefilefillableforms.com/#/fd/EconomicImpactPayment. The IRS will use this information to determine your eligibility and payment amount and send you an Economic Impact Payment. After providing this information they will not need to take any additional action. Do not register using this link if you intend to later file a 2019 income tax return. This would cause a later income tax return to be rejected from electronic filing.