The IRS announced procedures today for individuals and married couples who don’t file tax returns because their income is below the thresholds required to file.
Those who have not filed tax returns in 2018 or 2019 because their income is below the filing threshold can provide payment information online to the IRS so that they will receive an Economic Impact Payment. Eligible US Citizens or permanent residents are eligible who:
- Had gross income that did not exceed $12,200 ($24,400 for married couples) for 2019
- Were not otherwise required to file a federal income tax return for 2019, and didn’t plan to
Individuals can provide the necessary information to the IRS easily and quickly for no fee through this link: https://www.freefilefillableforms.com/#/fd/EconomicImpactPayment. The IRS will use this information to determine your eligibility and payment amount and send you an Economic Impact Payment. After providing this information they will not need to take any additional action. Do not register using this link if you intend to later file a 2019 income tax return. This would cause a later income tax return to be rejected from electronic filing.
For more information on the IRS Non-tax return filer Economic Impact Payment Procedures visit this link: https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/non-filers-enter-payment-info-here