Empowerment Works completed their final Small Business Owner Accounting School session of 2019 Tuesday evening. This was the 16th session of the class that has been given. Tuesday’s class covered running reports and setting up a new company in QuickBooks.
Six students graduated from this session after attending all four classes bringing our total number of program graduates so far to 80. Empowerment Works has provided 528 individual classroom student or intern training sessions to date. Below are the six graduates with their graduation certificates.

Because Empowerment Works is an authorized QuickBooks training center, students can receive a free 5 month subscription to QuickBooks desktop or free 12 month subscription to QuickBooks online as part of their class.
We will announce our next session soon. Our next session of 4 classes will be very small and will begin in mid February, 2020. If you are interested in taking our next four week session in February, call 239-321-7087 for information and registration.